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National 100% Any Technology Green-e Energy Certified RECs (50 - 499 MWh per Yr.) 3 years
Product Name:100% Any Technology Green-e REC (50 - 499 MWh per Yr.) 3 years
Product Category:100% Green-e Certified Source of Supply
Product Region:National
Product Certificate:Green-e
Product Term(months):36
Retail Price:$0.0045
Price Measure Unit:Each kWh

100% Any Technology Green-e REC (50 - 499 MWh per Yr.) 3 years

This is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) product. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are a renewable energy product that every U.S. business, college, non-profit organization, government agency and individual consumer can purchase to reduce the environmental impact of everyday activities. Purchasing RECs is an effective way to green up electricity and neutralize carbon. RECs are also called green tags, green credits, renewable certificates, renewable credits and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs). A REC represents all the environmental attributes, for example, avoided carbon dioxide emissions, that are created when electricity is generated using renewable resources instead of using fossil fuel sources such as coal, oil and natural gas.
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